
The Essential Pet App
For Your Neighborhood and Beyond...

MyPetsWelcome is your source for everything and anything pet-related in your area.

It's the free pet-inclusive ecosystem and marketplace built by pet lovers for pet lovers.

We normalize and expand 'pet-inclusive' places to enjoy in your neighborhood.

Download the free App and discover who and what's new in your neighborhood and beyond...

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Discover Your Pet-friendly Neighborhood & Beyond...

Find everything about pets in your area with Mypetswelcome, the positive and fun pet lovers' app. Download now on Apple or Android.

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Discover Your Pet-friendly Neighborhood & Beyond...

Cut The Clutter
Get what you need - when you need it

Get the most out of your pet-friendly neighborhood with MyPetsWelcome

 MyPetsWelcome is your local pet ecosystem. It’s where you discover new places and meet, chat and share knowledge and experience with like-minded pet parents. Learn about local pet-related news, events and activities. Find pet industry, and pet-inclusive jobs. Find a pet-inclusive home. It’s where ‘Pets R Welcome’ in your neighborhood and beyond. 

Full Neighborhood Access & Beyond

Looking to buy, sell or donate new and used pet items?

There’s always something new or used to discover on the MyPetsWelcome App. 

We’ve made it free and easy to search, list, buy, sell or donate new and gently used pet-related items. 

Simply download the free MyPetsWelcome App and join your local pet-friendly neighborhood. You never know what you’ll find.

Discover a whole new world dedicated to pet parents and their daily pet care needs. 

Where only pet stuff is Welcome.

Pet Specific Items

Need pet care advice, or new places to explore with your fur babies?

There’s always new places to check-out in your neighborhood on the MyPetsWelcome App. 

We’ve made it easier than ever to discover new neighbors with pets, local pet-friendly places, pet suppliers and pet care products and services.

Simply download the free MyPetsWelcome App and join your local pet-friendly neighborhood and explore.

Search & Explore

Find a pet-inclusive home that suits your budget and pet(s) needs?

When we see the words ‘Pet-friendly Home Rentals’ – we get excited and assume that it means MyPetsWelcome.

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Many ‘pet-friendly’ home rentals have certain pet restrictions and fees. 

It can be time-consuming, costly and frustrating for us, as pet parents, to find a suitable new home that will meet our specific budget and pets needs. 

Now you can filter searches and match with housing rentals that suits your preferred area, budget and specific pets needs.

We Proudly Support Local Pet-inclusive Business & Housing

Does your business, housing community, workplace or event welcome pets?

Get started with a free business or housing community page. Pet-friendly workplaces can publish on the Pet Industry Job boards. Pet-inclusive events are welcome too.

Add your business page, check-off your products, services, pet amenities, attractions and more…

Pet-friendly Businesses & Services

 “We believe that when we support our local pet-friendly businesses, services and housing communities, we normalize ‘pet-inclusive’ environments, and create more places for all of us to enjoy with our furry loved-ones.” The MyPetsWelcome Team

Stay connected with the app

Download the Free App

QR Code MyPetsWelcome

Go where our Pets R Welcome!

Search and match with places that meet your budget, and specific pet(s) needs.

Pets Services

Pet Businesses & Services

Discover local pet businesses and services that meet your pets needs.

Pet Apartment Rentals 1 1

Apartment & Condo Rentals

Find pet-inclusive apartments and condos where your pet is welcome.

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Travel, Hotels and More

Review local and international hotels and resorts that cater to your pets needs.

pet friendly places

Social Venues & Events

Find the best restaurants, patios and events. Complete with pet amenities & perks.

Additional benefits for neighborhood pet parents.



Buy, sell or donate new and used pet items.

Note: The sale of animals are strictly prohibited.
my pet app

Points & Rewards

Earn and track MyPetsPointsâ„¢ with participating businesses and services.

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Earn $$ as a spokesperson for local pet-friendly business, service or housing communities.

Lost and Found Pets 1

Lost N Found

MyPetsAlert’ is here when you need it most. Find Lost and found loved ones quickly.

Join your pet-friendly neighborhood for Free
No hidden Fees!

Search and match with places where your Pets R Welcome.

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